There is a Difference!

There is a difference in being optimistic and knowing who you are in Christ Jesus! I have been optimistic nearly all of my life, but there was a time when I was also a worrier! Yes, I have always looked at the glass 1/2 full rather than 1/2 empty and never have liked pessimistic behavior around me. You can be optimistic and have faith, but still not believe that your every need is met and that no matter what goes on in the world around you, you can have a peace that truly passes all understanding and be happy! This is the difference in Optimism  and having a personal relationship with God and knowing who you are in Christ Jesus and who Christ Jesus is in you! 

Some may think you are not dealing with reality when truthfully that is exactly what your are dealing with and how you are living your life! You see when we make Jesus our Lord and Savior then we KNOW who our source is, who our provider is, that He never will leave us nor forsake us, that He meets our every need ~ even before we know what it is and that we have an eternal home with Him! Eternal Home! That is forever and ever and ever!

To know who you are in Christ Jesus and who He is in you, you have to read, study, feed upon and absorb His book ~ The Bible! It is all there in black and white and red! It’s simple and oh, so rewarding! Find a good church with a shepherd who not only teaches his flock, but also feeds them meat!

Once I was optimistic! Now I know who I am in Christ Jesus and who He is in me! I walk in that wonderful peace of God’s that passes all understanding. I have no fear or worry of what lies ahead according to the ‘world’ because I may be in this world, but I am not of this world! I know who my Source is and I know that my Daddy is always there to take care of and protect me! You see…I am my Daddy’s Girl and proud of it!

Have an abundantly blessed day!

Love and Blessings,


Just want to share some of the awesomeness of God I see all around me!

Week 32 ~ Fall at Clark Gardens

Clark Gardens is beautiful during all seasons, but in the Fall everything turns a beautiful golden color! Here are a few samples of Falls Past! Gorgeous Fall colors and a few of the interesting characters that show up every Fall! 🙂

I hope you enjoy these scenes of Fall at Clark Gardens! 🙂

Have an abundantly blessed day!

Love and Blessings,

~ Judy ~

The Grand Lady of Clark Gardens

Billie Clark, the wife of Max Clark, mother of Carol and Deborah, and co-founder of Clark Gardens had two grand celebrations last week! The first was early Friday morning when she stepped out of her earthly body and into the greatest garden of all ~ Heaven! The second was Sunday when her family and friends gathered to celebrate her life!

I never had the privilege of meeting Billie personally, but felt like I had known her for years. You see, Paul and I have been going to Clark Gardens on a regular basis for 4 years. Shortly before we joined Clark Gardens, Billie went to live at the House of Hope in Wichita Falls.

Billie had the vision for the Gardens and was responsible for the first shovel full of dirt that was turned! She and Max had a love that endured 62 years on earth and lives on through Eternity. Billie wanted an English Garden and the Channel Garden was born! From there it grew and grew! Billie envisioned the Gardens and Max built it ~ 35 acres of ‘God’s Little Bit of Heaven in Texas’ aka Clark Gardens Botanical Park!

I got to know Billie through her Gardens; through Max, Carol and the working family of Clark Gardens. Clark Gardens is a living, breathing, growing testimony to a grand lady! I really got to know her through hours and hours of walking through the Gardens, sitting and listening to the peaceful sounds of the Gardens and soaking in the beauty all around me. All of this is Billie Clark! Thank you, Billie and Max! Clark Gardens is to me, a gift from God that 2 wonderful giving people allowing God to use them, built for us to enjoy today and years and years to come!

This is a sculpture of Billie and her youngest Grandchild, Molly at a family wiener roast. This photo means a lot to me because while we were visiting the Gardens last year with our entire family, Sammy, our youngest Granddarling, wanted to meet Billie so I took him over to see her sculpture. He sat right down, looked into her ‘eyes’ and sat there for the longest time mesmerized! It was an awesome experience!

Have a wonderfully blessed day!

Love and Blessings,

~ Judy ~

Week 27 ~ More Spring ‘Days’ to Cool Us Off

Just thought I would share some more late Spring/early Summer photos of Clark Gardens to help cool us off during these hot, humid days! I hope you enjoy!

Have an abundantly blessed day!

Love and Blessings,

~ Judy ~

Week 25 ~ Beautiful Texas Bluebonnets

I know that Spring is gone for 2012 and so are the Bluebonnets, but thankfully with my photography, they will never be gone! Enjoy!

Have a beautifully blessed day!

Love and Blessings,

~ Judy ~

Pathways of Clark Gardens

There are many beautiful pathways at Clark Gardens!Thought I would share a few to give you an even better idea of what the Gardens are like! 🙂

This one is in Shade Allee! Can you guess why? 🙂

This one is in the Rose Garden of the Clark Garden Train Station!

And this one is around Lake Pavilion!

There are many more beautiful paths and sights to see! Hope to meet you there one day! 🙂

Have a beautifully blessed day!

Love and Blessings,

~ Judy ♡ ~

Springtime at Clark Gardens

Here are a few photos taken in April of the beautiful Spring flowers that were blooming to welcome Springtime! Enjoy! 🙂

Can you find the ‘Busy Bodies of Clark Gardens’ in this one? 🙂

If you have never visited Clark Gardens and are in the area, you really need to and see the beauty of ‘God’s Little Bit of Heaven in Texas’! You will find not only beauty beyond measure here, but also peace and tranquility!

Have a wonderfully blessed day!

Love and Blessings,

~ Judy ♡ ~

Week 17 ~ Beautiful Blooms Blooming

How can anyone look at these beautiful creations of our Daddy and not believe in Him? When you look at the intricate detail of each bloom, how can you not recognize His handiwork? I am so thankful that my Daddy loves me so much that He surrounds me with His beauty in everything!

Have a wonderful day and remember to stop and smell the flowers! 🙂

Love and Blessings,

~ Judy ♡ ~