

I am definitely my Daddy’s girl! I am so in love with The Father, Jesus and The Holy Spirit that I want to shout it from the rooftops! No, I am not ashamed! I am not intimidated! I am happy! I am overflowing in Joy, Peace, Love, Blessings, and Knowing Who I am!

Knowing who I am? Yes!!! I am a Child of God, created in His Image, filled with the Holy Spirit, born again (recreated) – made and filled with the Righteousness of God! He lives in me and The Holy Spirit guides my every step and action and when I stumble He is there to pick me up, dust me off and forward we go ~ Together!

He has blessed me so much with His wonderful gift of Love to share with everyone, everywhere I go! One gift He gave me was photography, to share the glorious beauty around me in all forms! I am a very blessed Woman of God and I love my Daddy!

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Thru My Daddy’s Eyes & Heart!



I have changed the name of my Blog from ‘Thru My Daddy’s Eyes’ to Thru My Daddy’s Eyes & Heart’. Every since He presented my with my Gift, my Passion and my Love of Photography, I have been asking Him to let me see the world, the beauty, everything around me through His eyes. 

It started out with praying to let me see the beauty around me through His eyes and that was wonderful! I’ve always loved any and everything to do with nature, trees, flowers, grass, ponds, lakes sky, clouds, etc! Soon I noticed that I was even seeing colors in all nature differently ~ more vivid, more alive!

Then one day when I was talking to my Daddy, I heard, ‘you need to see everything around you through My eyes.’ Well, this was different, I started seeing not only nature, but also people through His eyes and not just the beauty, but things that I knew hurt His heart. These are the things that I knew I needed to pray about!

Now, the reason for the change…I was reading (absorbing) a book that I hadn’t read in a while! A book that had a profound effect on me spiritually the first time I read it and this time a new stronger, deeper more profound effect! It was like when you read a scripture hundreds of times and then there is the time you read it again and…it has a new revelation for you! Wow! This is what happened to me. In this book, He said that His people may see things through His eyes, but He wants us to see things through His heart! Because when we see things through His heart we are seeing through His LOVE! This is what I want so…the change…Thru My Daddy’s Eyes & Heart!



Week 20 ~ Have You Noticed?

Have you noticed that when someone has a need for a loved one or themselves, people respond with, ‘sending healing vibes your way’, positive thoughts for you and …..’, ‘our wishes for an answer are with you’, ‘sending you our energy’ and the list goes on and on! Recently on a site I follow of a little girl with cancer who was having tests, several people posted ‘keeping our fingers crossed’! People…it’s not crossing fingers, sending positive vibes or thoughts or wishes that does any thing!!!  IT IS PRAYER!!! There is nothing as or more powerful than PRAYER! Oh, on the little girl’s site I commented “not crossing fingers, Praying!

What has happened to us? Have you ever noticed someone making a comment and using ‘G_d’! What is this? It seems that people have become so afraid of offending someone that they have become little creepy, meek hypocrites! I am not sorry, but I don’t care if I offend you, I am NOT going to offend my Heavenly Father, my Daddy, my GOD!

I am not ashamed of who I am in Christ Jesus! I am not ashamed that I am a Child of God, made in His image and loved unconditionally by Him! He is my Daddy and I am proud to say I AM MY DADDY’S GIRL!

If you don’t know Him and would like to, please contact me and I will introduce you to the One Who will never leave you, Who will love you unconditionally, Who has plans for you that are far greater than any thing you could even begin to imagine and Who’s will is blessings, goodness, divine health, prosperity and long life for you! He will not only walk every step with you, He will carry you when you are too weary to take a step! He is not about ‘religion’, He is about the Truth in God’s Word, not man’s made up theology and traditions! He meets our every need, even before we know we have it! All He asks in return is our love, trust and faith in Him and to develop a close personal relationship with Him and not be ashamed!

Oh, there will be trials and tribulations, but you know what?  He is always there, protecting, guiding, leading us and bringing us through to the other side full of blessings flowing abundantly! Through trials and tribulations we learn to trust Him and the rewards are beyond comprehension! You truly learn the meaning of ‘peace that passes all understanding’! I love my Daddy! I have faith in my Daddy and I trust my Daddy! My life is full, my life is rich, my life is full to overflowing with daily blessings!

We are a very happy, fulfilled, full of joy, peace and love family and we would love to welcome anyone who wants to join us, into our family for all eternity!

Have a truly blessed day!

Love and Blessings,

~ Judy ♡ ~

Week 16 1/2 ~ What is a Christian?

What is a Christian? Well, you can find all different definitions for what a Christian is, but what truly is a Christian?

First, if you have to go around telling people that you are a Christian, then you are not living like a Christian! A Christian is someone who loves Jesus with all their heart, soul, spirit and mind! Someone who wants to live their life being as much like Jesus as is humanly possible! Someone who can love people in spite of themselves; pray for them; forgive them and show them the way to an eternal life with Jesus. Oh, they’re not perfect and they know that, but they strive to be obedient to the Word of God and live accordingly! They are not ashamed of who they are in Christ Jesus. They are bold and stand up for God and His ways. And most importantly they walk in humility and love ~ not judging, not condemning but sharing!

A Christian is a servant, who loves to serve and help others without expecting anything in return! They are not seeking ‘recognition’, ‘praise’ or ‘glory’ for what they do. All the Glory belongs to God! They will stay in the background, praying for you, loving you and serving you without you having any knowledge of it. A Christian doesn’t have to tell anyone they are a Christian; it shows in the way they live their lives; the way they treat others; their words and what they stand for ~ in  other words the fruit of their lives! A Christian doesn’t preach at you, they share what they have found through their faith and trust in God and help you to find it too! There is no jealousy or envy, but love and joy in your success to living a prosperous life in The Lord.

This is what a Christian really is! They are full of joy, a peace that passes all understanding, compassion, wisdom/discernment to know the difference between truth and deceit and a love for life and others that is sincere and unfailing! A personal, intimate relationship with The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. There is no worry or fear in a Christian. They know that God and God alone is their source and that He never leaves them or forsakes them! And the greatest thing of all is that they love you and want you to join their family and spend eternity with them in Heaven sitting at the Father’s feet! What a glorious day that will be!

Be blessed today and everyday abundantly by God!

Love and Blessings,

~ Judy ♡ ~

Week 15 ~ Prayers Are Answered!

Yesterday was a very busy day! Spring time in Texas brings beautiful new growth with lush, vibrant colors and new beginnings with new life! It also brings thunder storms and tornadoes!

My daughter called me and asked if I had seen the weather report (she knows I don’t have the TV on during the day)! There were some nasty cells approaching us. I turned on the TV and as we watched we started praying! My husband, her dad, was at Clark Gardens, west of Ft. Worth. To make a long story short…we each were watching a different station report, were praying and speaking to the funnel clouds developing and touching the ground commanding them back into the clouds and to dissipate! We commissioned angels over the people in their homes, cars traveling in the path of the storm, work places and pets not knowing what was happening! We covered our loved ones, family and friends, texted her brother who lives north of us and she was texting friends who were in places where they had no TV to see what was headed their way! We watched as the storm passed us by and continued praying and commanding! It was so awesome to see it retreat into the clouds and hear the weather man say, ‘well it might be reforming’! NOT! All this time I was tracking DH on my cell phone to see him headed back home! I tried to call him several times to get him to delay his trip home because he was heading into the storm, but he couldn’t hear his phone ringing with the rain and the radio! It was a very long day!

The Praise Report is, that though there were houses, property and ‘things’ destroyed, there were no lives lost and no fatal injuries!  There were interviews of people who were in bathtubs and closets praying, and when the storm was over, the only part of their home not devastated was where they had been! One woman was in her closet and afterwards she came out to find every part of her home flattened except her closet and she didn’t even have one scratch on her! One babysitting grandmother had 2 eighteen month old babies and a 3 year old in the bathtub with her and as the tornado tried to pull her grandson out of her arms she held onto his legs and saved all 3 babes and herself! Now tell me God doesn’t answer prayers!!!

Have an abundantly blessed day!

Love and Blessings,

~ Judy ♡ ~

~ A Mother’s Love ~

A mother carries, nourishes, cradles and protects her child inside of her until he/she is ready to come into this world. A mother’s love is the next thing to God’s love ~ unconditional love! She is your mother, your best friend, your teacher, your protector, the one who shows you God’s love through her actions, words and teachings. She will make sacrifices for you! She will be strong, wise, compassionate, gentle, loving and full of laughter! She disciplines you when you need it, to see that you grow up and mature into a righteous Child of God. A mother’s love is unending and carries on into Eternity!

God Bless all who are mothers, who have mothers and whose mothers are sitting at The Throne of God, still loving you and praying for you!

Love and Blessings,

~ Judy ♡ ~

Week 7 ~ Everyday is Valentine’s Day!

Fifty-one years ago today I was blessed to become a Valentine! Yes, a real, true, ‘honest to goodness’ Valentine! Paul Valentine chose me to be his Valentine on Valentine’s Day 1961 ~ for real!

Now in our family, everyday is Valentine’s Day, but it’s nice to have people around the world celebrate it with us every February 14th! 🙂 We are now a family of 11 in our Valentine family ~ 2 grown children; 2 ‘children in love’ (1 of whom carries the Valentine name); 5 granddarlings (4 that actually carry the name of Valentine) and Paul and me!

It is truly a blessing to be a Valentine and really makes you feel ‘special‘! So from our happy home filled with love to yours we wish you a very Happy Valentine’s Day! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

We are looking forward to the next 49 years! 🙂

Love and Blessings,


For a Special Couple

This is to a Special Couple ~ the parents of our Daughter In Love and also our dear friends. Yesterday was their 50th Anniversary and that is Special!  We know…we celebrated ours on Valentine’s Day! Happy 50th and here is to 50 more! ♡

Are You An Animal Lover?

Are you an animal lover? Do you enjoy sharing your life with ‘puppy breath’, the unconditional love of one of God’s 4-legged creatures or even one of His feathered 2-legged creatures? There are ‘dog lovers’, ‘cat lovers’, ‘bird lovers’ and even ‘reptile lovers’!  I am a 250% animal lover! ♡  We have 3 1/2 dogs (the half being 14 year old Bitsy, who was terribly abused by her previous owner’s husband and hates all men except Paul); 1 Calico cat who is the reigning queen of the household and 1 Red Eared Slider turtle, who proves that turtles do have personality and are capable of love too!

If you have never known the unconditional love of a pet, then I truly feel sorry for you! There are so many deserving little creatures of God out there that need your love, care and companionship! They don’t care what you look like, how much money you make, where you live, what kind of car you drive or what your IQ is! All they want is someone to love and to be loved in return!

I thank God everyday for the devoted Animal Rescues and Fosters out there that are saving lives! You know, even if you are a person who needs to have a ‘purebred’ (in God’s eyes they are all purebred) you can find them too, but if you are someone who just wants to love and be loved, then the perfect little guy or gal is waiting for you! These rescue furbabies are the most appreciative, loving, grateful little creatures that you will ever come across. They are the most faithful, loyal friend you will ever have! All they want to do is please you and love you with all their hearts.

Please look into adopting a ‘rescue’ baby or a ‘rescue’ senior today! The rescuers take them from shelters before they can be ‘put to sleep’ and then take care of the cost of seeing to it that they are vaccinated, heartworm tested, spayed or neutered and micro chipped before you adopt them. They have been loved and cared for to get ready for their forever home!  The adoption cost is very minimal and probably doesn’t begin to cover the cost of the care they have received! Please look into adopting one of these precious creatures today! You will be blessed beyond measure with one of God’s greatest blessings…one of His creations filled with unconditional love!

Here is my latest ‘rescued’ baby… Miss Sissi!

Miss Sissi ~ all 6.5 lbs of her! ♡

Love and Blessings, ~Judy♡~

What is True Love?

What is true love? Here is a description of love from Wikipedia : “Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. In philosophical context, love is a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection. Love is central to many religions, as in the Christian phrase, “God is love” or Agape in the Canonical gospels. Love may also be described as actions towards others (or oneself) based on compassion, or as actions towards others based on affection.” Everywhere I looked no one could really describe love!

Well, we know that God is All love..unconditional love! And what is unconditional love? Well, to me it is love with no conditions; loving someone or something no matter what they do, say or are. For example: animals, the 4 legged kind, give unconditional love just as God does! They love you no matter how you treat them, how you look or how what you have or don’t have! They love you with no conditions! Of course, if you are the person God created you to be, you will love them unconditionally too!?)

I recently lost my best friend, closest companion of 14 years who loved me unconditionally, my Saydee! She was always there through good or bad, thick or thin! She never left my side and always let me know she loved me! Now unconditional love is a two way street, so she always knew that I was there through good or bad, thick or thin and I would never leave her either and that I loved her! I know that God had created her just for me and visa versa!

Saydee was very special and now there is an empty place in my heart that aches.  Oh, I have 2 precious little girls, Dolly and Rosie whom I love so very much and they love me, but they can’t fill that empty place.  I know that my Daddy has the perfect little Mommy’s Girl for me.  She won’t take Saydee’s place but she will be my new best friend, constant companion and take the emptiness and ache away. Saydee would want it that way! She will always have the #1 place in my heart! ♡